Terms and Conditions
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- Terms and Conditions
1. Definitions
Refers to all the terms and conditions on both sides of this document, including any addenda or additional materials provided at the time of rental.
“You” or “Your”
Refers to the person named as the renter, anyone signing this Agreement, any Authorized Driver, and any organization we bill at your request. All parties referred to as “you” or “your” are equally responsible under this Agreement.
“We,” “Our,” or “Us”
Refers to Ivan Exotics.
“Authorized Driver”
Includes the renter, the renter’s spouse, employer, or colleagues if engaged in business activities with the renter and are at least 25 years old, and any additional drivers listed in this Agreement, provided they have valid driver’s licenses.
Refers to the car identified in this Agreement, any replacement vehicle, and all associated tires, tools, accessories, equipment, keys, and documentation.
Refers to Collision Damage Waiver.
2. Rental Liability and Disclaimers
This Agreement is a contract for renting the Vehicle. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claims, liabilities, costs, and legal fees that may arise as a result of this rental.
We provide no warranties, whether express, implied, or apparent, regarding the Vehicle, including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
3. Vehicle Condition and Return
Vehicle Return
You must return the Vehicle to the rental location or another agreed-upon place on the date and time specified in this Agreement, in the same condition as you received it, except for normal wear and tear.
Any repairs or service to the Vehicle during the rental period must be pre-approved by us. You are responsible for checking and maintaining fluid levels.
We reserve the right to repossess the Vehicle at your cost without prior notice if it is abandoned or used in violation of the law or this Agreement.
4. Responsibility for Damage or Loss
Liability for Damage
You are liable for all physical and mechanical damage to the Vehicle, loss of use, diminished value, missing equipment, and related administrative fees, regardless of fault.
You must report any accidents, theft, or vandalism involving the Vehicle to us within 24 hours and to the police promptly.
5. Collision Damage Waiver (CDW)
CDW Coverage
If you accept and pay for CDW, we will waive our right to collect from you for physical and mechanical damage to, or loss of, the Vehicle.
CDW does not apply in cases of:
- Intentional, reckless, or willful misconduct.
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Towing or pushing anything.
- Driving on unpaved roads causing damage.
- Commercial or illegal activities.
- Unauthorized drivers using the Vehicle.
6. Insurance
You are liable for all damage or loss caused to the Vehicle or others. You agree to provide primary auto liability, collision, and comprehensive insurance.
Unauthorized Drivers
If an unauthorized driver operates the Vehicle, our liability insurance is void.
7. Charges
Payment Obligations
You agree to pay all charges allowed by law, including:
- Rental time and mileage.
- Fees for additional drivers.
- Optional product charges.
- Fuel charges if returned with less fuel.
- Applicable taxes.
- Repair or replacement costs.
- Cleaning fees if the Vehicle is excessively dirty.
8. Deposit
Usage of Deposit
We may apply your deposit toward any amount owed under this Agreement.
Personal Property
You release us from liability for loss or damage to personal property left in the Vehicle, service vehicles, or our offices.
9. Agreement Breaches
Prohibited Uses
Allowing unauthorized drivers to operate the Vehicle or using it recklessly constitutes a breach of this Agreement.
10. Modifications
No terms of this Agreement can be altered or waived unless done so in writing by us.
To extend the rental period, you must return the Vehicle for inspection, and we will provide a written amendment.
11. General Provisions
Our waiver of any breach does not waive additional breaches or negate your obligations.
Liability Release
To the extent allowed by law, you release us from liability for consequential, special, or punitive damages related to this rental.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, feel free to contact us:
- By email: ivanexoticscarrentals@gmail.com
- By phone: 516-907-7091
- By mail: 17 Arleigh Drive, Albertson, NY 11507